I'm not a big fan of organized religion

for MANY reasons, incl seeing The Vatican, and the YUUUUGE fortune they've built over the years, as they victimize the poorest, least educated with their claims of 'heaven and hell'. Nothing like an 'Eternal Lake of Fire' to get the peasants to tithe... Whenever I start to feel spiritual, I have to remember not to equate that feeling with The Church and organized religion as SO many mistakenly think they are 'one and the same', with spirituality. Not even close, though I suppose they could OVERLAP, and you COULD reach one, through the other, if you don't look TOO CLOSE.
No 'all-knowing', loving God would be behind the wars that have been fought 'In His Name' since the beginning of time, or be the 'ghostwriter' of a book so FULL of easily proven errors, that promotes slavery, women as second class citizens, full of myths and the claim that the earth is 6000 years old. Yup, it has the lineage from the 'First Man', Adam, to Jesus, who lived 2000 years ago.
But, the clincher has to be the 'true believers', who think being gay is a choice, (remember when YOU had to choose?) and the fact the Trump's MAIN constituency is the Evangelicals, as the sheep are herded by FOXNews while being assured that Republicans hold the keys to heaven, and Jesus supports that holy man, The Donald.
Like I say, whenever that part of my brain that craves some spiritual comforting, I only have to look at today's anti-science 'religious right' and say, Are you kidding? What is wrong with you people? At what point did you give up logic and rationality, and sign up for a life of mythology and FOXNews, with Donald Trump as your standard bearer, KNOWING that you have the 'one and only' TRUE religion, just like all the other religions of the world, who will fight and kill to prove it....


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