After a period of forced 'recuperation',

from a surgery that isn't healing as fast as I'd like, I'm having a hard time being outraged, by the outrageous news coming from Bullshit Mountain and all those who think Donald Trump should be our next president. How can you imagine logic and rationality would work with someone who can look at/listen to The Donald and think, "yup, I want HIM to lead America and the free world?' Absolutely insane, but SO Republican.
These same people look at The Clinton Foundation, that raised over $2 Billion since 2001, helping countless thousands and see nothing but 'Another SCANDAL!', cuz Hillary actually talked with some of the people who contributed.  So far I haven't seen ONE, so-called Pay to Play incidence being even close to proven, BUT, I'm sure we'll hear of some YUUUGE scandal that FOX/Trump will use to bait their minions into more Hillary hating, cuz it is SO easy, when dealing with the sheep.
Start a war, based on lies, No Problem. Totally trash our economy" No Problem. Raise billions to help those in need? TERRIBLE! Crucify her!
Nothing new here, but I get SO tired of their crap.


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