We had a shooting in Colorado Springs last winter,

at a Planned Parenthood center, as some rightwingnut who had just moved here from the South, opened fire and killed several people after hearing Carly Fiorina's TOTAL BULLSHIT about 'selling baby parts'. The mentally ill dumbshit thought he was gonna be some kind of HERO to the Pubs, (and probably is) after hearing Fiorina's lies, and acting on them, with his rifle.
How many MORE are 'out there', proud to be the '2nd Amendment people' who think they need to be the ones to 'take care of Hillary and/or the judges'? But, that would be 'horrible, just horrible', is what Trump followed his 'call to arms', with.
How long can even a HALF WAY intelligent person, (perfect definition of FOXSheep) follow this clown? I guess we'll see.


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