Wow, I'm SHOCKED, cuz Hillary

actually spoke with the people who gave generous donations to her Charitable Foundation. There is absolutely ZERO evidence that she, or Bill, profited, at all, from the agency that provided millions of dollars to those 'in need' across the world.
Jimmy Carter built houses, and GW painted his dog, but HRC helped others on a YUUUUGE scale, SO, the Pubs are tarring her with innuendo that the sheep immediately parrot, like she's been caught up in some nasty scandal.
I guess you can only whip a dead horse so long, and they have scourged the flesh from BENGHAZI! and her 'private server', SO, they need SOMETHING, when their boy is The Donald.
Start a war based on lies and wreck the US and world economy? No Problem. Run a Foundation that helps thousands? OMG! Crucify her! Just when you think they can't get any worse they(R) always do.


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