WOW!, who can listen to/believe this crap?

Just caught a bit of Trump's speech to the sheep, tonight. RU kidding? This is WAY below 6th grade level, which fits right in with his base. OMG! is my only thought as this idiot goes on and on about Mexicans taking over our country. Bottom line, there is net NEGATIVE migration since Bush killed our economy.
BUT, the facts don't matter to the low-info jackasses(R) who support the Head Jackass.
Bottom line, 5 minutes is WAY too long to listen to the mind numbing propaganda from The Donald.
For anyone with a triple digit IQ, this just HURTS. I can't take anymore, BUT, am sure I can read about it on Bullshit Mountain tomorrow, as they praise him. UNBELIEVABLE, but SO Republican, as the orange jackass spews his venom to the low-info masses.
Is ALMOST enough to make me give up on my country, and the idiots who follow Bullshit Mountain...
PS My apologies to the 6th graders who I insulted, by saying Trump's message was to their intelligence level. This crowd is WAY below that.... RU kidding?????? This is like a comedy show for those who can't understand the complexities of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.
This is SO embarrassing, as an American, thinking 40% of our population supports this clown. Unbelievable....


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