Wow, for a guy that is SO proud

of being SO rich (according to him), it's kinda surprising The Donald won't release his tax returns, as every candidate (both parties) since Nixon have done.
Maybe something about LIES and Russian connections, or taking profits from projects that bankrupted small businesses, while dodging taxes? Hmmmm. What ya think?
Only an ignorant sheep (LOTS of them 'out there'), would give him a break on this one, but nothing new here, as there are different rules for the 'law and order' people when their boy is the one breaking the rules.
Bottom line, a part of me would love to see the 'mayhem that would ensue', if The Donald was actually elected, and all the Repubs living 'check to check', or on welfare, would starve to death, as the economy ground to a halt.
Darwin had a name for it, and eventually the human race would be stronger, eventually, with the weak minds GONE....
PS Have I ever mentioned how I'd LOVE to have a mailing list of Evangelical/Trump voters?  I have some 'magic beans' for sale to them. As if they have any money......


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