I'm not sure whose wife, at CNBC, Larry Kudlow

has 'naked pictures of', but he's gotta be blackmailing SOMEONE, to keep his job. Sorta like Rick the Dick Santelli, who is TOTALLY wrong for MANY years in a row, you can turn off the sound, and know EXACTLY what he's saying, cuz it's always the same, and totally clueless. Blah blah blah, Ronald Reagan, blah, blah, blah, cut taxes for the rich, blah, blah, trickle down, blah blah, Dems suck, blah, blah, blah, YEA Tea Party!, blah, blah, blah, get rid of ALL regulations, blah, Ronald Reagan, blah blah, recovery not FAST enough, blah, blah.
He's said the SAME thing, and been just as wrong, since his ugly, Repub-apologist mug has been on TV. Whenever I see his face, I imagine he's wearing nothing but a short litle skirt over his knobby knees, cuz he's nothing but a CHEERLEADER for all the failed policies that the Pubs keep trotting out.
Larry Kudlow, a worthless jerk, who lives in and perpetuates the Repub echo chamber.
Reality be damned, just ask 'what would St Ronnie do', is his mantra, and he has the same asnswer for every question. Cut taxes and regulations for Big Money. As if we can't remember 2008 and what happens when the Pubs get their way....
BTW, he's also a GREAT author and pronosticator, 'Bullish On Bush: How George Bush's Ownership Society Will Make America Stronger'. published right before the CRASH of 2008. 
Larry Kudlow, a total joke, just not funny...


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