As The Donald tops himself each day

with something MORE stupid and outrageous than the day before, the Pubs are freaking out cuz Hillary missed THREE small (C)'s, on e-mails that usually have a YUUUGE header on them. This, and some other e-mails, (on a server that was NEVER shown to be hacked, unlike the 'Official' one) that the Pub bloodhounds have agreed were 'personal', while desperately trying to find SOMETHING in The Clinton Foundation, (that helped tens of thousands) while GW was 'painting Masterpieces', at his ranch in Texas.
Are You Shittin' Me?
Talk about 'False Equivalence'. The Donald is a fountain of exaggeration, lies, bankruptcies, blatant racism, egomaniacal bullshit, ZERO experience and a desire to use nuclear weapons but Hillary is the one who will 'wreck America?
I am SO sick of HIM and Bullshit Mountain acting like there is something wrong with the mainstream media for recognizing CRAZY when they see it. Get a clue, morons, and start planning for 2024, when president Hillary retires.
Again, THANK YOU DONALD, for taking down the 'Party of No'-clue, where wars based on lies and wrecking the economy is 'No Problem', but private servers and blow jobs are grounds for crucifiction.
Can you say IDIOTS, who deserve 'extinction'?
As I've said before, as they(R) crash and burn,,,,,,,this is FUN!


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