Good article in the Denver Post this morning,

about alternative presidential candidates from the Green and Libertarian parties. I can understand how some people might not like Hillary, as she isn't perfect, or even close, and has been tarred by FOX and the Pubs (one and the same) for over 20 years as she was first lady, two term senator from NY, Sec of State and now Dem candidate. Throw enough stuff at the wall and some will stick, though her alleged transgressions are SO minor compared Trump's, it's not even close.
BUT, for those 'pure of heart' voters who think they are doing the 'moral thing' by voting for someone who doesn't have a chance to win, let's just remember 2000 and Ralph Nader, the egomaniac who gave us GW and The Dick in an election where less than a thousand votes won FL and gave us the Repub disaster of the following years, cuz the Nader Crowd gave him nearly 5% of the vote, as they could 'make a statement'. The statement being, 'I'm an idiot'.
And now we have that same mentality, mostly sore losers from Bernie Sanders' campaign who've been so anti-Hillary for so long they can't relate to the damage that Trump could do, SO, they're also gonna 'make a statement' by throwing away their vote on someone who has NO CHANCE of winning.
And The Donald says, 'Thanks a bunch, suckers'.....


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