In spite of what the rightwingnurs spout...

The “richest nation on earth” could easily achieve first-rate healthcare – if we truly wanted to.  Yes, most of us are fully aware that the rest of the “civilized world” manages healthcare for ALL their citizens in a much more comprehensive, inclusive, cost-effective way - with much better medical outcomes than here in the U.S.  But it’s worth re-visiting the comparison between our utterly-dysfunctional (and criminally inhumane) healthcare “system” vs. how “the rest of the world” manages healthcare.
Bottom line, the Pubs think those unlucky enough to get sick or injured DESERVE to go bankrupt, if they can't afford insurance or OUTRAGEOUS medical costs.
Nothing new here, as the greedy jerks(R) continue their assault on US citizens.

There are only two basic reasons why we Americans don’t have a “world-class” health care system like Finland (or almost every other O.E.C.D. nation on earth).  First, because too many wealthy people and corporations are getting filthy rich off the backs of the sick and poor in America – and they are fighting desperately to keep their mafia-like control over American healthcare to the severe detriment of virtually all Americans.  Secondly, because the vast majority of Americans remain ignorant and brainwashed by The Powers That Be to the possibilities for much better healthcare at much less cost.


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