AS IF we didn't know

that Flynn was LYING about the Trump team's collusion with Russia, it has now been confirmed, BUT, we don't know what kind of deal he made, getting a YUUUGE number of charges dropped to one, and keeping his son out of jail.
Just be patient and we'll gradually find out what all those meetings, between the Clownsmen and Russians (it's called COLLUSION) were actually about, while the rats from the sinking ship start singing to avoid jail time
 Stay tuned, should be interesting now that they have Manafort, Flynn and who knows who, by the short and curlies.
Like LBJ said, 'When you have 'em by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow'. Patience.....
THis just in..
  • Former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn is reportedly willing to testify that President Donald Trump and Trump transition officials directed him to make contact with Russians during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.


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