Here we are, at the beginning of a LONG trail,

with Flynn admitting he was directed by Trump to contact the Russians during the campaign. I just wonder HOW BAD it will have to get, HOW MUCH info will come out before the hardcore rightwingnuts will FINALLY admit,
HMMMM, maybe it's not a good idea to collude with the Russians in a presidential election?
I'm guessing MANY of the nutjobs(R) will NEVER have a problem with the Russians, cuz hey, the Liar in Chief has (R) after his name.
That's just the way they are.
Some things never change.....
AND, while collusion is getting all the attention, the Repub controlled Senate is nearing a YUUUUGE vote on the Tax Bill, that will add trillions to the debt, that they HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN!


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