The Groper in Chief has over a dozen women suing him,

claiming he sexually attacked them.

The latest suit was filed by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on "The Apprentice," who claimed last year that Trump "very aggressively" kissed her, groped her breasts, and began "thrusting" his genitals at her in a meeting at The Beverly Hills Hotel. Her claim is that Trump damaged her reputation when he called her a liar.

The Pubs impeached Clinton cuz ONE woman, Paula Jones, complained about him.
The Pussy Grabber admitted 'I can't help myself', and reaches for the Tic Tacs, before 'going after them like a bitch', although now he's lying, AGAIN, as he claims that wasn't his voice on Access Hollywood tape.
Does ANYONE believe the Liar in Chief? Not even the clueless, gullible sheep gotta know that was his voice, AND, he admitted it, before his new round of LIES, but they DON'T CARE that he's a Pathological LIAR.
Same old shit from the sheep.....


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