A YUUUGE majority, on both sides of the aisle,

think the Dreamers, or DACA children, should be allowed to stay in the country and work toward citizenship, BUT, Dotard wants to use them as a bargaining chip to fund his wall.
And, when the Dems refuse to pay for his F-ing wall, the Liar in Chief claims the Dems 'don't care'.

President Donald Trump slammed Democrats and said they "refused' to take care of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
Trump claimed it would have been easy for Democrats in Congress to deal with DACA, "but they just didn't care."

Yup, you don't become LIAR IN CHIEF, without launching a YUUUUUGE number of whoppers.

Do the sheep CARE about the lying SOB? Of course not. Anyone who believes Bullshit Mountain gave up on TRUTH, long ago, and couldn't ask for a better 'champion' than the lying sack o' shit that heads their party.
BTW, how many times did the LYING jackhole promise us the Mexico would pay for the wall?
BUT, what's one more LIE among THOUSANDS?


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