The stock market is tanking and different reasons are being given

The three main causes seem to be;

-Dotard's main lawyer just quit, and there is probably a reason.
-Dotard's new Fed chair just signaled multiple rate increases.
-Dotard is pushing new tariff's against China, against the advice of ALL economists.

Yup, the totally unqualified Liar in Chief got the stock market revved up with talk of cutting rules and regulations for Big Business and Big Oil and Big Money, PLUS an ill-advised tax cut that will give us YUUUGE debt and deficits, BUT, when it comes to real 'policy' the Orange Clown doesn't have a clue and everyone who, like Gary Cohn, does is scurrying off the sinking ship.
Don't worry, Dotard has a PLAN, that has always worked in the past.
When the shit hits the fan, just declare BANKRUPTCY!


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