Time to start liquidating my stock portfolio,

after Dotard's latest quote about his new tariffs.
'This is #1, but the first of many', as the unqualified jerk(R) in charge of US economic policy goes against ALL advice and is trying to start a worldwide trade war, which will tank the market he artificially inflated with tax cuts we can't afford.
Party of 'fiscal responsibility' my ass....
It's been a good run, on Wall Street, but when you look at 'who's in charge', it's time to wake up and 'smell the coffee'.
President Donald Trump signed an executive memorandum on Thursday that would impose about $60 billion in retaliatory tariffs on Chinese imports.
"This is the first of many" trade actions, Trump said as he signed the memo, while China listed the items they will target, starting with soybeans, grown by the very people who elected Trump.


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