Another ‘leaked’ British memo tells us what we already knew. Dotard’s an a-hole, that withdrew the US from a hard fought deal with Iran, just because he wanted to spite Obama.

Spiting Obama, and killing every program he could get away with, incl, Iran, Obamacare, The Paris Accord on Climate Change, the Trans Pacific Pact, that would have effectively dealt with ‘Jina’ without his stupid tariffs, along with EPA programs that protected our air, water and honey bees is just part of the incompetent a-hole’s agenda to erase Obama’s legacy.
He has, though, embraced the fantastic economy from the last admin, goosing it with an unpaid for tax cut that mainly benefits the 1%, (who own most the stocks that are doing so well), and cutting the rules and regulations that protected us from Big Business running wild with our Nat’l Forests and Wilderness Areas, and cutting clean, cheap Natural Gas fired power plants by replacing them with dirty coal, putting his incompetent cronies ‘in charge’ of agencies they used to fight with.

All part of Fat Donny’s agenda. If Obama had anything to do with it, no matter how well it’s working, fuck it up and stumble toward the next Obama accomplishment.
And guess who pays for it?
All of us, incl the Repub farmers who can’t sell their soybeans to his trailer park constituents who pay his tariffs on their cheap WalMart supplies. They just aren’t smart enough to know it, while swallowing another of his favorite LIES.
‘Jina’ is paying the tariffs.’ 
BULLSHIT, you Russian backed, incompetent, pussy grabbing Pathological LIAR!


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