In a perfect example of the yuuuge DIFFERENCE between FOX and ‘real’ news, we saw how the billionaire Jeffrey Epstein case of ‘sex trafficking charges’ was reported.

 CBS and the ‘real’ news stated that he was an acquaintance of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.
Bullshit Mountain just reported on the Clinton connection.

Just like always, for the sheep of Bullshit Mountain.
Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD.
SEE, we told you.....
Just look at the ‘news’ we shovel to you, AND, be sure to VOTE!

Nothing new here, but SO typical, as the sheep swallow the crap that’s shoveled to them, and think they are ‘informed’.
And you wonder WHY they are so ignorant?

BTW, in other news (facts) you won’t hear on FOX.
Central Alaska hit 96 degrees today.
Screw you, Rush and Sean, and your LIES about climate change, just like your political reporting, swallowed by the gullible sheep.....


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