I’m glad Dotard explained it, so the sheep could understand. Yup, the guy who claimed. ‘I know words. I have the best words. I’m like REALLY smart. A stable genius’, explained to world how/why the British Ambassador, a position where the Brits put their most ‘stupid’ people, said Fat Donny and his henchmen were ‘incompetent’ and epically unqualified .

Trump Bashes British Ambassador: 'Very Stupid Guy'

Read Newsmax: Trump Bashes British Ambassador: 'Very Stupid Guy' | Newsmax.com

Yup, in the Orange Clown’s world, the British Ambassador is a ‘very stupid guy’, and Dotard is like ‘REALLY smart.

Excuse me while I laugh my ass off......
BUT, I’m sure the sheep are swallowing it. Hook line and sinker, like they always do.
The Brit is the STOOPID one..... RIGHT.......


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