Most of us, 2/3, look at the FOX crowd and wonder, WTF is wrong with you?

Well, the first thing you gotta understand is, once you decide that Bullshit Mountain is ‘truth’, nothing else matters.
Yup, Roger Ailes ‘nailed it’ when he realized MANY people don’t give a shit about truth. They just wanna hear/see/read the crap that FOX spews.
It makes them feel ‘informed’, although the ‘informer’ is the Repub Propaganda network.
A problem for the gullible sheep?
Not at all!
They hear/see what they wanna hear/see!
The clueless clowns listen to Rush/Sean and think, Wow, we are so Smart!
Bottom line, nothing new here, as the ‘gullible among us’ swallow Roger Ailes’ dream, of double digit IQ voters, whose votes count the same as informed voters.
A YUUUUGE win for the Pubs......


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