Dotard’s BUSY this morning. Before 8 AM, the Liar in Chief had already sent out NINETEEN Tweets, ranging from making fun of Dem candidates, bragging about how ‘good looking’ and smart he is, to teasing the sheep, (and horrifying the rest of us) with his plans to be in office for six, or maybe TEN or FOURTEEN more years.

With Acosta in crosshairs, Trump unleashes tweet barrage at everything else he can think of

Trump’s latest morning of tweets was off the rails, even by his standards
Insults, lies, gaslighting, authoritarian threats — all before the coffee even hit.
OMG! This a-hole just sits and watches the clowns at FOXLies and the ‘mutual admiration society’ bounces bullshit off of each other., much to the delight of the sheep who swallow the crap and think they’re ‘informed’.

I realize he’s trying to ‘fade the heat’ from his boy Acosta, who let his buddy Epstein, (who also likes YOUNG women) another sex offender, off with  slap on the wrist, but this is outrageous, even from Fat Donny.

I don’t know whether I’m happy or outraged that he’s spending his time watching FOX and catapulting bullshit rather than furthering his destruction of our American democracy.

I know I just need to ignore the jackass, but when there’s someone like Dotard in office it’s nearly impossible......


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