As I watch the Repub apologists spin Dotard’s Tweets,

’Yup,’ they say, The Tweets were racist, but Trump isn’t’.
This bullshit works for the gullible sheep?
‘Go back to where you came from’, to four brown women isn’t racist?
ONLY, the low IQ, low education/income gullible sheep would swallow this crap.
Nothing new here from the LOWEST level of society who can swallow the spin and deny reality.
Same old shit from those gave up on reality, LONG AGO, and have no problem with a Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing Pathological LIAR, as long as he has (R) after his name.
NYC conman for prez?
PERFECT, for the FOXSheep, created by Roger Ailes, who laughed his ass off at the Bible Belt sheep behind their backs, as he recruited the low IQ crowd to the Repub party.


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