Dotard has a YUUUUGE number of LIES that loves to foist on whoever will swallow them.

Yup,  the Liar in Chief loves to say that ‘Jina’ is paying the tariffs that he imposed on imports. WRONG, we pay them.

Fat Donny and his henchmen claim that Climate Change is a ‘Chinese Hoax’ and scientists claimed the earth was ‘Cooling too fast’ in the 60’s.
WRONG, the planet is warming at an alarming rate, and ONE outlier (or ‘Outright Liar, like Dotard), who was discredited by the scientific community, made the false claim about cooling.

The Orange Clown always claims that Obama ‘GAVE’ Iran over a hundred billion dollars, as part of the Iran Deal that dramatically slowed their nuclear program.
WRONG, Obama returned ‘their own money’ held in US banks, since it was seized, (from innocent businesses, for the most), after the World Court says the bankers had to return their loot by a certain day OR pay interest and fines on the illegal seizures.

Remember Dotard’s claims about the Repub ‘Health Care’ plan, that is SOOO good. It covers ‘everyone’ with much lower prices. AND, he talked about his plan to lower drug prices. Well, Donald, we’re WAITING.......

The Pathological Liar’s LIES go from payoffs to hookers and porn stars to his financial dealings with with Russian ‘money men’ and the Russian Mafia, who laundered their rubles through his New York real estate, to his obstruction against the Mueller investigation, BUT, why should I bother repeating them? Almost ALL of us already know, but a third don’t care.
The sheep don’t give a shit. Like he said, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue (or brag about Grabbing Pussies) and the gullible, ignorant sheep(R) wouldn’t care.

That’s one time that Fat Donny actually told the truth....


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