We ALL know Dotard lies his ass off, although some of us(R) don’t give a shit.

He obviously LIED about the Birther Movement, that HE started, LIED about paying off bimbos he banged, lied about Obama golfing too much and how he’d be SO much better. He LIED about some secret Repub Health Plan, and spending $$$ on much needed, bi-partisan infrastructure spending, etc, etc.....
BUT, one of his, and lying Repubs everywhere/always, biggest LIES was cutting the deficit and debt, and that LIE, like ALWAYS with the Pubs, has been a WHOPPER.
The last 2 years under Obama, the deficit was $483 and $439 Billion, and Dotard claimed he’d cut that WAY down, they way the LYING Repubs always say they will.

Well, after the tax cut for the 1% and shoveling $$$ to the most bloated military in the history of the planet, last years deficit was $863 Billion and next year’s is over a TRILLION, with future debt going off the chart.
This with a good economy and no large wars.
Thanks again, you gullible sheep(R) for swallowing the crap and believing the worst LIAR in the history of our country, as our country spirals into insolvency after the Liar in Chief promised to ‘Balance the budget’ and you morons voted the LIAR into office.


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