While spewing LIES, that only the gullible sheep swallowed, the Liar in Chief often spoke about the Repubs Healtah Care Plan, that was ‘so beautiful’. Cheaper and more inclusive than Obamacare .

Wow, who da thunk that Fat Donny was just LYING?
The Pubs don’t have a plan for health care, beyond WRECKING Obamacare.
After that, they don’t have a clue, and most Pubs will admit it.
Just another LIE in the YUUUUGE pile of LIES that the pig in the White House spews on a daily basis.

Republicans ready to dive off a cliff on Obamacare

GOP senators hope the courts strike down the health law — even if they have no plan to deal with the ensuing chaos.
07/14/2019 06:49 AM EDT
“Do I hope the lawsuit succeeds? I do,” said Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.). “What I wish is we had some idea where we are going if it does succeed, as it looks more and more like it might.”


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