The Pubs made asses of themselves, some more than others, during the Mueller hearings, but one of the ‘jerkiest’ was some clown with a bunch of lawbooks he threw down and claimed ‘exonerated’ was not a legal term.

SOOOO, no wonder Dotard couldn’t be exonerated?
Sorta like they claimed ‘collusion’ isn’t a legal term, SOOOO, he couldn’t have ‘colluded’, although we all know what the words mean, AND, Mueller specifically said the guilty conman WASN’T exonerated.

Sorta like the dumbass Repub walked into Congress with a snowball as PROOF that Climate Change is a hoax.

I know this Pub bullshit works fine for the morons who swallow FOXNews, but ‘come on’, those of us with a functioning brain know what’s going on and it’s just more Pub LIES their their double digit IQ base.
Nothing new here......


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