
Showing posts from August, 2021

Last year at this time I couldn’t believe how EXPENSIVE homes were around here.

 Well, just saw where homes in the Denver area rose 19.6%, July to July. OMG! Will it ever stop? I know this is a very attractive place to live, and more people just keep coming all the time, but this is ridiculous…..

This just in: Forbes, who keeps track of such things, says the War in Afghanistan cost over $300 million per day, for twenty years, with yuuuge bills yet to come.

 And you wonder WHY the Pubs who take the campaign contributions from the Daddy Warbucks ‘defense’ contractors didn’t wanna see it end? George Orwell said, ‘The war is not meant to be won, but to be continuous.’ Tell me HE didn’t understand the soul of mostly Republican Congressmen who fund the War Machine. Dwight Eisenhower, who warned against, and coined the term Military Industrial Complex said, “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”  $300 million/day for TWENTY YEARS, as the Pubs always say, ‘We can’t afford it’, (unless it’s a tax break for the 1%), unless they are in power, while a fortune was spent on their current favorite war, every day for 20 years.

Because of Hurricane Ida, and Afghanistan, as the Pubs bitch continuously, cuz they could have handled the exit PERFECTLY, although they DIDN’T,

 We aren’t hearing about the wildfire that’s burning hundreds of homes, and now a ski area, around Lake Tahoe. Just part of Climate Change and the continuing heat wave and drought in the West, as the East gets drowned. OF COURSE the clowns at FOX deny it all, cuz they are such X-spurts in all thing climate. Bottom line, screw FOX, Trump and the gullible, ignorant sheep who swallow their crap.

No matter what they WANT to believe, and preach to the morons(R) who swallow the crap about a Stolen Election, Dotard and the Pubs LOST the last election.

 Now, the jerks(R) are trying to make sure it never happens again, no matter WHAT they have to do. Texas G.O.P. Passes Election Bill, Raising Voting Barriers Even Higher The bill, which will tighten what were already some of the nation’s strictest voting rules, represents a major victory for Republicans in their nationwide push to overhaul elections. The legislation takes aim in particular at Harris County, a growing Democratic bastion that includes Houston and is the  nation’s third most populous county . The legislation forbids balloting methods that the county introduced last year to make voting easier during the pandemic, including drive-through polling places and 24-hour voting, as well as temporary voting locations  and from promoting the use of vote by mail. The bill greatly empowers   partisan poll watchers . The legislation takes aim in particular at Harris County, a growing Democratic bastion that includes Houston and is the  nation’s third most populo...

As Florida sets records for COVID deaths every day, the Clown Prince, Gov DeSantis(R) had to do something. SOOO, the asshole changed the way deaths are reported. And I’m sure the sheep swallow it all, like the gullible, ignorant minions always do.

Florida changed its COVID-19 data, creating an ‘artificial decline’ in recent deaths   On Monday, Florida death data would have shown an average of 262 daily deaths reported to the CDC over the previous week had the health department used its former reporting system, the Herald analysis showed. Instead, the Monday update from Florida showed just 46 “new deaths” per day over the previous seven days. The dramatic difference is due to a small change in the fine print.  Florida switched its methodology and began to tally new deaths by the date the person died. If you chart deaths by Florida’s new method, based on date of death, it will generally appear — even during a spike like the present — that deaths are on a recent downslope, when they are actually spiking. Nice try, guv, but the unvaccinated morons(R) are still dying. More every day. But, if SOMEONE’S gotta die…..

Yup, slammed by Trump and FOX, the LIARS who make ‘real’ news unbelievable for the sheep that swallow FOXCrap, cuz they ‘can’t handle the truth!’

  CNN analyst slammed for blaming Trump for collapsed Republican trust in national media: 'Simply breathtaking' Pew survey: 83 percent of liberal Democrats trust national news media, versus just 30 percent of conservative Republicans

I just wonder if the unvaccinated morons(R) realize that nearly ALL the rightwingnuts who preached against the vaccine are NOW vaccinated.

 Nearly everyone at Bullshit Mountain, including Sean baby and Tucker Carlson and their families have gotten the shots. McTurtleface and Dotard and their families are all vaccinated. The dumbasses who used the excuses that they were gonna wait and see….and ‘It’s only an emergency vaccine, not fully vetted by the CDC’, can’t use those excuses anymore. And as far as them hearing from an X-spurt that it is ‘dangerous’. Well for every expert who says it’s dangerous, there are ten time as as many REAL experts who say it isn’t. Bottom line, I wouldn’t care about the unvaccinated morons(R) IF their bad/stupid/uninformed choices weren’t hurting society as a show, as the idiots provide a breeding ground for variants, like Delta, that will only get worse. If it was only the gullible, ignorant sheep that were gonna suffer, I’d say ‘Go for it, we don’t need you and your ilk, and are better off without you’, BUT, their stupidity hurts so many others, on a large scale they just don’t understand,...

While FOX and the Pubs, one and the same, were bitchin’ about the Afghanistan deal, the guy who negotiated it was screamin’ cuz he didn’t get enough credit for it.

 Only in the Bizarro world of Repub politics could you get this crap. Former President Donald Trump called in to a conservative radio show Monday to gripe about the media spending “all night long” on Sunday covering the deadly and massively destructive Hurricane Ida  instead of his “great agreement” with the Taliban . Trump’s ill-fated  agreement , signed by his administration in February 2020, promised that the U.S. would  get out of Afghanistan on May 1  of that year, which didn’t happen. U.S. troops finally withdrew on Monday  after 20 years of war. Trump also boasted to Starnes that there were 68,000 people at his maskless Alabama political rally earlier this month. He  inflated the actual numbers by more than 50% , according to estimates by the Secret Service and the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office. Trump then continued to rant about the “media, which is fake and crooked and corrupt, they’re the worst people, they’re the most corrupt people.” “Th...

Maybe there IS a God, and he/she is pissed cuz of the gift of a vaccine that is IGNORED by morons(R) who make political statements instead of being inoculated.

  On Saturday night, Florida conservative talk radio show Marc Bernier, an outspoken opponent of masking and vaccines to combat Covid-19,   died of Covid-19 . Earlier in the day, Caleb Wallace, a prominent opponent of masks as a means to slow the spread of Covid-19,   died of Covid-19 . Wallace was 30 years old. Bernier was 65. Bernier, in fact, was the third conservative talk radio host who opined against masks and expressed skepticism about the vaccine to die from Covid-19 in recent weeks. Earlier this month Dick Farrel, a Florida-based talk radio host,  passed away from the coronavirus . Just last week, Nashville-based host  Phil Valentine, 65, died  from the virus. If there’s not a God, at least there’s Karma, and definitely Darwin’s Law of natural selection, to make our species stronger by weeding out the morons(R).

The Pubs are calling for Biden to resign, or be impeached? The same crowd that had ‘no problem’ with Dotard’s LIES and COVID incompetence that killed tens, or even hundreds of thousands. And is still killing gullible, ignorant anti-Vader’s.

  Some of the same Republicans who stood by former President Donald Trump when he  pressured  the Ukrainian president for dirt on his campaign rival and stirred a mob attack on Congress as it was certifying the results of the 2020 election now claim that this attack on US troops is proof Biden should no longer be in power. The hypocritical Pubs would be funny, if they weren’t in position to do so much damage with their lust for power, at any cost. Just look at their violent mob that attacked the Capitol, to overturn a legitimate election that they didn’t like, as they banish hundreds of thousands of voters from voting rolls, Gerrymander voting districts and give state officials the power to overturn the results of an election. And these power hungry, hypocritical jerks(R) call themselves ‘patriots’. HA!

The Pubs are screamin’ about ‘those poor people in Afghanistan’ that Biden abandoned.

 This is after twenty years. The US can’t be policeman/mommy to the world. There are people suffering in Afghanistan, but also Yemen, Senegal, Venezuela and LOTS of other places. And since when did the Pubs grow a heart, or give a shit about poor people that are suffering? All they care about is political ammo.

I looked the FOX web page, and was shocked, even by FOXBullshit standards.

 I was gonna address lie, after lie after lie, followed by half-truths and innuendo. But WHY? If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, and the head up their ass crowd that swallows FOX and Trump crap sure ain’t gonna all of a sudden ‘smarter up’, that’s for sure….

With all his LIES and bullshit, Dotard is consistent in one area. Calling all the legitimate media, fake news’.

  Donald Trump has held very few consistent positions since he began running for president in 2015. The one that stands out? His relentless bashing of the media as "fake news" and insistence that Republicans tune out all forms of mainstream media. "It is amazing what's happening to the discredited media like CNN, MSDNC,  New York Times , and  Washington Post ," Trump said in a statement released from his Save America PAC earlier this month. "Their businesses have dropped off a cliff, which is actually a very good thing for the American people, because they are Fake News (likewise the networks, ABC, NBC, CBS)." His six years in public life are littered with just such misinformation (lies), that the gullible, ignorant FOXSheep swallow, while they avoid ‘real’ news, cuz ‘they can’t handle the truth’, as Jack Nicholson famously said, choosing to listen to what they WANT to hear, vs, the 90% of ‘mainstream (for a reason) media’, including the foreign press,...

Speaking of Brainiac Pubs. Govs Abbot and DeSantis made a YUUUGE bet with people’s lives, for political reasons.

 How’s that workin’ out for you Texans and Floridians, who are setting records for sickness and death? Don’t you just love them Pubs? Neither do I.

I’ve heard a LOT of crap from Kevin McCarthy(R), but the hypocrite nearly caused me to GAG today.

 The jerk stood before the camera, with a straight face, and called for Biden’s Impeachment, cuz, “As Congressmen, it’s our job to hold the Executive Branch responsible for their actions.’ And he said this without laughing out loud! The same a-hole(R) who allowed ZERO documents and ZERO witnesses to make the  case for Dotard’s obvious Impeachment, wants to Impeach Biden for getting us out of the Pub’s 20-year, $2 Trillion War in the ‘graveyard of nations’, after Dotard negotiated the deal, and over 75% of the American public agrees with, losing only 13 American lives. Over a hundred less than die from COVID every day, thanks to the Pubs. OMG! Now I’ve heard it all, as McCarthy FINALLY supports Impeachment.

The same Pubs, with the help of FOX, that bitch about Biden ending their 20-year, $2 trillion war in Afghanistan, also had/have a plan for COVID.


Although the death of 13 US soldiers is tragic, who thought we could leave Afghanistan without several deaths, as the Taliban and others take their last shots? Think what COULD have happened with thousands of soldiers, American and Afghan civilians together in a small target for nearly two weeks?

 Over nearly two weeks and well over 100,000 evacuees, there was one suicide bomber (almost impossible to stop) made it through, and one fusillade of rockets, which did no harm. The exit ended a day EARLY too, so no last minute attacks could happen. I know it’s not over yet, but I’d call this a great outcome, considering what could have happened. BUT, the propagandists from FOX and the Pubs, one and the SAME, are making it seem like the casualties are way worse than the MORONS(R) WHO ARE DYING FROM COVID, which are over a hundred, EVERY DAY! Same old shit from the Pub Propaganda Machine, where some deaths count and some don’t, as they act like the exit from Afghanistan is the WORST since Viet Nam, after only ONE bomb/rocket went off. Remember the four killed in BENGHAZI? If you believe FOXLies, you’d  think Hillary personally shot and blew up over 100,000, which is at least how many died cuz of Dotard’s COVID lies and incompetence. OF COURSE Dotard and the FOXCrew/Pubs could h...

As a retired disaster Insurance adjuster, I’m doing some channel surfing to check out the damage from Hurricane Ida, incl FOX.

 OMG! Because I hardly ever tune into the Propaganda Network, I was unprepared for the nonstop bullshit from Bullshit Mountain, including the continual parade of grieving family members of 13 soldiers killed, although the clowns totally ignore the tens or hundreds of thousands killed by COVID, directly because of Trump’s LIES and incompetence.  Sorta like the year-long, 24hr/day coverage of BENGHAZI! It’s called propaganda, folks, but it works for double digit IQ crowd, so Bullshit Mountain sure ain’t gonna change. Very little actual storm coverage of Ida,, cuz that would cut into their non-stop efforts to pin the ENTIRE, 20-year Afghanistan on Biden. In the short time I tuned into the clowns()R I heard ‘Biden now OWNS the Afghanistan nightmare. It’s ALL on him’, SO many times, although the Pubs started, prolonged and ‘negotiated’ the end’ of the fiasco, designed to funnel BILLIONS to the ‘defense’ contractors(R). Wow, if I was gullible and ignorant, like the sheep()R, I’d hat...

The Pub Propaganda on FOX is always Hypocritical, and it’s REALLY on display right now,

 as the clowns(R) praise Dotard’s ‘negotiations’ with the Taliban, cuz, ‘you have to deal with who’s in power’. BUT, when Joe deals with the same people, after the Afghan Army totally collapsed, FOX denigrates him, calls him weak and says ‘you can’t trust the Taliban’. Same old shit from the Hypocrites(R) at FOX.  Trumps does it=GREAT! Biden does the same thing=TERRIBLE! And the gullible, ignorant sheep slurp it all up, and ask for more….

Republican politics have become oppositional politics: Deny the science, demean the media, own the libs. Conservatives are less defined by what they are for than by what they are against.

  Trump defined himself as the anti-facts, anti-science guy, and it cost thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of American lives. Now, DeSantis is going down the same road.  The good news? It’s just willing Floridians who are paying the price. Oh yeah, and those innocents that the unvaccinated morons(R) pass COVID on to. As of  Wednesday: “More people in Florida are catching the coronavirus, being hospitalized and dying of Covid-19 now than at any previous point in the pandemic.” The Times continued, “This week, 227 virus deaths were being reported each day in Florida, on average, as of Tuesday, a record for the state and by far the most in the United States right now.”

Because I was a Disaster Insurance Adjuster for may years, when I wasn’t building custom homes, and worked MANY hurricanes, from Andrew, through Katrina and Ike, I’ve watched a lot of hurricanes come on shore, safely on TV radar.

 And I’ve never seen an eye stay so intact, so far inland. Eight hours after landfall, it still has a tight round center, and is still a Cat 3, with sustained winds of 125 and gusts to 160. And, it’s slowing down, moving at only ten MPH. Wow, that’s gonna cause some damage. Kinda miss the excitement of being a storm chaser, but I sure don’t miss the hassle and hard work, with no electricity, lodging, gasoline or grocery stores.for the first week or so. Ida passed within five miles of Houma, where I lived after Katrina. Lotta good folks gonna take a lotta damage…..Too bad the hospitals are already full of COVID patients who listened to FOXLies, instead of doctors and scientists.

A student(R) wearing a MAGA hat, no doubt.

  An 88-year-old professor in Georgia resigned in the middle of class because a student refused to wear a mask over her nose: 'That's it, I'm retired' “Whereas I had risked my life to defend my country while in the Air Force, I was not willing to risk my life to teach a class with an unmasked student during this Pandemic," Good for you. Now maybe you can retire and move outta Georgia, where the Pubs are trying to negate democracy, by kicking hundreds of thousands off the voter rolls.

Wow, don’t you feel sorry for these morns(R)? Neither do I. A conservative Florida radio host who spoke out against Covid-19 vaccines died after a weekslong fight with the virus, marking the third radio personality to die from coronavirus who publicly rejected vaccines.

  FLORIDA 3rd conservative radio host who condemned vaccines dies of Covid Marc Bernier was a mainstay on talk radio in Daytona. By  DAVID KIHARA   08/29/2021 02:33 PM EDT Just think how many of the sheep(R) these jerks(R) took down with them. BUT, if some people gotta die, I can’t think of better candidates.

A repost, of a MAGA hatted moron, cuz it’s so perfect. Unlike some ‘personal decisions’, not getting vaccinated not only puts the unvaccinated moron at risk, but also all his/her friends, family and society at large in danger. Thanks a bunch, you idiots(R), for your part in the Delta variant, filling the ICU’s again. Good thing we didn’t have FOXJerks(R) around before, or we’d still have smallpox, polio, measles, mumps etc,


Who doesn’t get a bit of satisfaction after being right, even if you don’t come out and say, ‘I told you so’. And conversely, it’s no fun when you’re proven wrong.

 There’re MANY times/events where I could say to the rightwingnuts, I told you so, beginning with the Viet Nam War, where the Silent Majority(R) pushed the fiasco in SE Asia that killed over 58,000 Americans, many of them ‘drafted’ to fight in the  bullshit ‘big business’ war, until the US was kicked out in a disastrous retreat from Saigon. Instead of learning a valuable lesson, GW and The Dick attacked Iraq, after already starting a stupid war in Afghanistan, the ‘graveyard of empires’, and I called bullshit, pissing off the rightwingnuts, again. Now, we have another Saigon, after twenty years and over $2 Trillion, most pocketed by the Big ‘Defense’ contractors(R). And there was/is the entire Climate Change phenomenon that the rightwingnuts like to ignore, disparage or just LIE about, following the lead from FOX, but it’s kinda hard to keep up their bullshit argument as the Colorado River, Lake Powell and Lake Meade dry up, while the West sets wildfire and HEAT records every ...

The unvaccinated morons(R) who swallowed FOXCrap until it was too late, have the hospital ICU’s in Louisiana FULL

 Now, we have Hurricane Ida coming in, and there WILL be lots of injuries, but the dumbasses(R) who didn’t get vaccinated are taking the hospital beds, resources and medical personnel from those who will need them. Good thing for the sick, gullible, ignorant, FOXSheep morons(R) who CHOSE not to get vaccinated that I’m not in charge of the ICU’s….

Ya know, it’s really hard to feel sorry for a dumbass(R) like this….

  A Georgia police officer who frequently posted anti-vaxx messages on Facebook and took an anti-parasitic drug instead of a vaccine has died of COVID-19. Captain Joe Manning, 57, of the Wayne County Sheriff's Office died on Wednesday after a short battle with the virus, according to local news station  WSAV . In one post, Manning shared an image that said, "I am not vaccinated by choice and that's my right." In another, Manning encouraged people to stock up on the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin, frequently used to deworm horses, and increasingly being taken by people in a misguided attempt to treat or prevent COVID-19. What? You mean a de-wormer for livestock doesn’t work for COVID? Even though FOX pushed it for days?  How about drinking bleach, or shining a light inside your body, according to Dor?  Like I say, hard to feel sorry for these morons(R)….

Surrounded by all that smart stuff, but ‘dumb as a rock’.


Got HBO for the first time in a while, and saw Bill Maher for the first time in months, also.

 And he was really ‘spot on’, in so many ways, mostly because he made fun of ‘out there’ Liberals as much or more than he did Conservatives, especially in his ‘New Rules’ segment. First he made fun of the Pubs who back America in EVERYTHING that a Pub does, no matter what. No matter how bad the idea and/or action. But then he turned it around and bitched at the Libs who are anti-America, while much of the world would give their right arm to live here. Bottom line, as bad as things can get here, just look at Viet Nam, Iraq and/or PRESIDENT Donald F-ing Trump, many people have it much worse. Good to see Bill again and forgotten how funny, intelligent and right-on he can be, as he points out how we as a people agree on more than we disagree on, BUT, cuz we inhabit different tribes there is no middle ground any more. And he’s right. When I look at the typical Pub, the thought of even talking politics makes me hate ‘em, even though we may be alike in MOST of our lives. And I am as guilt...

Am seeing the hurricane forecast and it looks like Houma, LA, where I was an Insurance Adjuster after Katrina, is gonna get slammed again.

 This will be at least the 6th hurricane since I was there, and I’m hurting for the good people who are gonna get hammered, AGAIN. Whether it’s Climate Change or not, the locals are gonna suffer, again. Good people who can barely get by during good times, are gonna be tested, again. The insured will do OK, but many can’t afford insurance, and everyone is gonna sweat without electricity in swamp country where winds and flooding wreak havoc. Just one more tragedy in a world full of them, as we become calloused to the suffering.

Just to be clear, am not a huge Biden fan, never have been, BUT, compared to Dotard, ANYONE would be a YUUUUGE improvement.

 And I don’t like the way the withdrawal has been handled, BUT, for the Pubs to shirk all responsibility and act like they could have done it SO much better, although they DIDN’T, 20 years after they started the war, really pisses me off. Nothing new here, but listening to the Hypocrites(R) bitch about a decision that was/is supported by 75% of Americans, and negotiated by Trump, is sickening. AS IF anyone could have done it seamlessly, when suicide bombers are involved. As per Afghanistan, like Iraq and Viet Nam. I’m not against ALL wars, just Dumb wars…..

Just watching Seth Myers,and he’s running several clips of the clowns at FOX

 As the jerks(R) push the drug Ivermectin for COVID, claiming hundreds of thousands in India have been cured with it. Total bullshit and typical FOX. Ivermectin is livestock de-wormer. No shit. That’s what we’ve been reading about, with ICU’s treating morons(R) that are overdosing on DEWORMER, cuz the assholes at Bullshit Mountain have been recommending it for the SHEEP. Who knows, maybe livestock dewormer does work for sheep, OR, the dumbasses(R) could get vaccinated…

Good! Why should others bear the cost of their ignorance and stupidity?

  The financial cost of remaining unvaccinated ⁠against COVID-19 is rising. Health insurance providers are now asking people who contract the disease to share the cost of treatment, which can get expensive if it requires a lengthy hospital stay. More than 70% of the nation's largest insurers are no longer waiving COVID-19 treatment costs, according to Kaiser, which surveyed the two largest insurers in each state and Washington, D.C.. Another 10% of plans plan to phase out cost-sharing by the end of October. Just one more incentive for the gullible, ignorant sheep(R) to get vaccinated, as if saving their lives and those of their loved ones wasn’t sufficient, instead of swallowing the crap from FOX and Facebook. Actually, FOX, Dotard, McTurtleface and many other Pubs are FINALLY supporting the vaccine. A day late, a dollar short and hundreds thousands of lives too late, but better late than never, for the morons(R) who still aren’t vaccinated.

Dotard has always had the unerring talent of voicing about others what is UNEQUIVOCALLY true about himself, and he’s spot on again…

His words perfectly describe his reign of error.  “ It's so sad," he said. "It's probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to our country; we look like fools all over the world, we are weak, we are pathetic, we are being led by people that have no idea what they are doing. Right on, D-bag.  At least the Afghanistan fiasco is diverting the headlines from the thousands of morons(R) who took your advice, didn’t get vaccinated and are now filling the ICU’s across the South.  And the lawsuits by the Capitol police against Dotard and his minions aren’t getting the publicity they should, after he incited the insurrection to push The Big Lie and overturn a democratic election, which was Trump’s plan.

Whenever the US actually withdrew from Afghanistan, (which Trump promised and campaigned on), there was gonna be a mad rush to get out of Kabul

 That’s OBVIOUS to anyone with a functioning brain. Certain Repubs obviously excluded.  I’m SURE the Pubs who are screaming the loudest would have a sure-fire plan to keep out determined suicide bombers, among the throngs of tens of thousands of desperate people,  BUT, that’s beyond the scope of most people. Now, as the same crowd who had no problem with backing a bragging Pussy Grabber who incited an insurrection while pushing The Big Lie about a Stolen Election and denied all documents and witnesses to TWO Impeachments is screaming for the head of the guy who’s already evacuated over 100,000 Americans and Afghan civilians who helped our forces. At least Joe takes ‘full responsibility’, which is a YUUUGE difference from the jerk(R) who NEVER admitted a mistake and ALWAYS blamed others for his fuck-ups. It’s very seldom you can use the terms Always and Never, but the lying piece of crap from Mar A Lardo fits the bill.

The professional liars at FOX, where they basically ignored Trump’s insurrection, while promoting the Stolen Election bullshit, while they basically ignore the thousands dying of COVID, cuz they didn’t get vaccinated, have a new, made-up headline today, for the sheep.

  Biden administration teetering amid calls to resign, potential probe over US deaths in Afghanistan Oh really? Teetering? Isn’t it about time for Dotard to be ‘reinstated’ according to your bullshit?

As the Pubs try to put all the blame for the fiasco in Afghanistan on Joe, just remember who(R) got us there, and who(R) negotiated the terms of the withdrawal.


Dotard couldn’t handle the fact that he LOST, so he conspired with a bunch of his gullible, ignorant minions and they attacked the US Capitol. Those facts are well known.

 Now, a group of officers who were injured, and saw their fellow officers become casualties as they ‘just did their jobs’, are suing the Pathological Liar who planned, enabled and incited the insurrection. I can’t wait to hear the sworn testimony… The lawsuit alleges Trump conspired with the extremist groups The Proud Boys and The Oathkeepers, as well as far-right political operatives including Roger Stone and Ali Alexander, who promoted Trump's speech near the White House right before the Capitol attack.  Hey Roger, the ‘pardon’ from your criminal cohort ain’t gonna help this time, when all the calls and planning for Dotard’s insurrection is exposed.

The Pub caused (they started it and negotiated the end game) fiasco in Afghanistan takes the headlines from the other Pub caused crisis in the US

 Because SO many sheep(R) swallow/ed the crap rom FOX and Dotard and didn’t/won’t get vaccinated, we are now having more COVID cases each day, over 150,000, since last January. If the head up their crowd would have gotten vaccinated when they had the chance, like the rest of us, we wouldn’t be going through this crap AGAIN. Bottom line, unlike Afghanistan, the ones who are dying are exactly the ones who should. Morons(R) that we don’t need, for the most part, although the idiots who get their info from FOX and Facebook instead of Drs and scientists are taking lots of ‘innocents’ down with them. Morons(R, without a clue. The same crowd that swallows Dotard’s LIES about a Stolen Election, with ZERO evidence, cuz that’s what they WANT to believe. Morons, who get their ‘facts’ from other morons….

With all the bad news today, there is some good news also.

  Seven US Capitol Police officers sue former President Trump, Stop the Steal organizers over January 6 riot Yea! Sue the jerk(R) who always uses his Army of Lawyers to sue others, especially when he goes BANKRUPT. Now, the asshole(R) who incited the riot that injured over 140 police officers is getting sued. YEA! Maybe during the trial we’ll find out more, concerning his involvement in the riots by the morons(R) who swallowed his LIES about the Stolen Election crap. I can hardly wait. Sue the LYING NYC conman who wouldn’t admit he LOST, and all the gullible, ignorant minions who swallowed/swallow his bullshit.

I’ve got a message for the Pubs who are bitchin’ about the mess in Afghanistan, which THEY started, and ‘negotiated’ the end to.

Stop politicizing the trouble in Afghanistan.  Republicans are goading Democrats, that’s for sure.  Donald Trump is mocking them  and  Fox News taunting them  — by politically weaponizing the misery in Afghanistan and casting it as an illustration of Biden’s and Democrats’ unfitness to govern.  Trump would have done us prouder? Hah. The United States was humiliated repeatedly and spectacularly under his, um, leadership, as he gleefully  trashed our most cherished ideals . Those are real people, Americans and others, who are in danger, and suffering, so cool it Dotard/FOX and all you Congressmen(R) and sheep(R, as you bitch about how much better YOU could do it, but didn’t. Just ‘shut the f**k up’, and hope it gets settled, sooner than later….

FOX and the Pubs, one and the same, are screamin’, cuz 12 Americans were killed in Afghanistan today, and I’m not saying that’s not a tragedy.

 But, WAY more than that die EVERY DAY, just in Florida and Texas, where the morons(R) listened/listen  to Dotard and FOX, and aren’t getting vaccinated. For the thousands of gullible, ignorant Americans who die cuz they won’t get vaccinated? No problem, for the Pubs who push Dotard’s vaccination bullshit. So stop with the blame game as Joe is carrying out the wishes of MOST Americans, as well as Dotard’s campaign promise to get the US out of Afghanistan, twenty years after GW and The Dick’s Big Adventure to boost the price of oil from $14 to over $140 barrel. If you listen to, and swallow the crap from FOX (why?), you’d think Joe and the Dems started the war and negotiated the end. Typical Bullshit Mountain LIES and propaganda, as the ignore the Pub’s responsibility in the whole mess. Same old shit…..

Wars are easy start, just ask GW and The Dick, and really hard to end, just ask Dotard, who campaigned on ending the war in Afghanistan.

 But then the asshole(R) just blew it off for four years and handed the problem off to the next guy. Biden didn’t wanna do that, and he went along with the wishes of 75% of the American public, and he made the hard decision to leave. Now Trump, and the Repub jerks who support his bullshit, are piling on Joe, AS IF they could have done a better job.  If ya could have, why didn’t you? Bottom line, Biden and his crew haven’t done a perfect job, but who the hell could? At least he tried, and is trying, to get the US out of some place they shouldn’t have been in the first place, and at BEST should have left over a decade ago. But no, there were too many people, mostly the Repub ‘Military Industrial Complex’, making way too much money, as the ‘defense’ dept has spent approx two TRILLION on the Pub’s bullshit war, and it’s WAY past time to end it. ‘Defense’ stocks are up more than DOUBLE what the Dow has done, since the Pub war started.  Leaving was never gonna be pretty or easy...

So, let’s see their licenses taken, some huge fines and maybe some jail time for the LYING jerks(R)!

  Judge Rules Pro-Trump Attorneys Abused Court System With ‘Fantastical’ 2020 Lawsuit “This case was never about fraud,” Judge Linda Parker wrote. “It was about undermining the people’s faith in our democracy.” A Michigan federal judge sanctioned nine pro- Donald Trump attorneys on Wednesday, saying they had abused the court system and spread conspiracy theories when they filed a lawsuit attempting to overturn the state’s 2020 election results.  U.S. District Judge Linda Parker wrote that the Trump lawyers , including Sydney Powell, had attempted to sue in “bad faith and for improper purpose” in a scathing, 110-page ruling, adding that they had worked to deceive the American public.

The jerks/clowns(R) at FOX LOVED the ‘warp-speed’ that Trump used to get the COVID vaccine developed, UNTIL Biden became prez. THEN it was WAY too fast, and ‘they must be hiding something’. Check out The Daily Show as it posts side by side clips of the assholes at FOX totally change their messaging. And the gullible ignorant sheep(R) swallow it all….

Click on: READ MORE The Daily Show @TheDailyShow When you love warp speed but not TOO much warp speed

In what I hope is a precursor to corporate policy throughout the US, Delta Airlines is making their gullible, ignorant non vaccinated employees pay part of the health care for morons who get COVID, by not being vaccinated.

  Delta Air Lines To Impose Monthly Charge For Unvaccinated Employees Starting Nov. 1, unvaccinated employees enrolled in Delta’s health care plan will be subject to a $200 monthly surcharge. The average hospital stay for COVID-19 has cost Delta $50,000 per person,” Bastian said in the statement. “This surcharge will be necessary to address the financial risk the decision to not vaccinate is creating for our company. In recent weeks since the rise of the B.1.617.2 variant, all Delta employees who have been hospitalized with COVID were not fully vaccinated.” If only Delta’s policy could spread to include ALL the morons(R) who won’t get vaccinated, as they put us ALL at risk with their asinine, FOXFed decisions.

As the clown squad in Arizona, postpones their Ninja Recount AGAIN, just like the My Pillow Jerk and his ‘evidence’, even the low end of the double digit IQ crowd that supports The Big Lie about a Stolen Election has to be thinking WTF?

  The Trump Clown Car Has a Smashup in Arizona Monday was supposed to be a banner day for former President Donald Trump and the MAGAverse. After multiple delays, legal challenges and public controversies, the results of the  third  — and hopefully final — review of the presidential voting in Maricopa County, Ariz., was scheduled for delivery to its Republican sponsors in the State Senate. At long last, the proof of mass election fraud would be laid out for all to see! Mr. Trump would be vindicated! Maybe even  reinstated , as Mike Lindell promised! At least, that’s what MAGA die-hards hunkered down in their bunkers of disinformation were hoping. Most everyone else — including plenty of Arizona officials from both parties — just wanted this gong show to end. Alas, it was not to be. On Monday, the Republican president of the State Senate, Karen Fann,  announced  that the Cyber Ninjas, the Florida-based firm overseeing the recount, had not yet completed a full...