Fie it under, ‘That’s what you get for signing up for bullshit Repub wars.’

 At least it wasn’t like Viet Nam where the assholes ‘drafted’ us for their bullshit war.

I Was a Marine in Afghanistan. We Sacrificed Lives for a Lie.

There is more than enough blame to go around. After all, without those of us who volunteered, there’d be nobody to fight these wars. I long to appear before the young man I was, slap his face and tell him to take a different course. “You’re going to die over there,” I want to say. “Not in body, but in spirit.” But he is gone, and I will spend the rest of my life staring at his shadow.“
Timothy Kudo (@KudoTim), a former Marine captain who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, is working on a novel about the Afghanistan war.

Thanks again, to GW and The Dick, with Rummy leading the bullshit brigade(R).
My main question….How do the jerks(R) sleep at night?


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