From today’s Denver Post. “Amid extreme weather, a shift among Republicans,” Aug. 14 news story.

 Scientists have been saying for about 40 years that climate change was being caused by human actions (especially the use of carbon-based fuels). Many people — especially the Republicans — have been in denial for most of that time. 

BUT, like Viet Nam and Iraq being ‘mistakes’, COVID not being a HOAX, Trump really DID lose the election they (some) are FINALLY realizing Climate Change is real, as the West dries up and burns, with every year setting heat records for the earth, while floods and hurricanes hit the East with more frequency. Not to mention the epic fires in Greece, Siberia and Australia.

They(R) have to be slapped in the face with facts/truth/reality for YEARS before they(R) realize that may, just maybe, FOX is more of a political network than a ‘news’ outlet.

Some of them(R), not all, cuz brainwashing takes a toll.

BUT, as the latest COVID surge adds to the 620,000 Americans already dead, some of the morons are deciding, ‘Wal, y’all, maybe that there vaccine ain’t such a bad idea after all, since all our hospitals are full, and Joe Bob done died’.

We’ll see, but even Pubs can only deny realty so long, though some of them are definitely proving me wrong.


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