Dotard has always had the unerring talent of voicing about others what is UNEQUIVOCALLY true about himself, and he’s spot on again…

His words perfectly describe his reign of error.

 “It's so sad," he said. "It's probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to our country; we look like fools all over the world, we are weak, we are pathetic, we are being led by people that have no idea what they are doing.

Right on, D-bag. 

At least the Afghanistan fiasco is diverting the headlines from the thousands of morons(R) who took your advice, didn’t get vaccinated and are now filling the ICU’s across the South. 

And the lawsuits by the Capitol police against Dotard and his minions aren’t getting the publicity they should, after he incited the insurrection to push The Big Lie and overturn a democratic election, which was Trump’s plan.


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