As the US is chased out of Afghanistan, just like Viet Nam, many people ask WHY?

 Just like Viet Nam, it was a war to benefit the ‘defense’ contractors(R) who are the only ones who benefit as American kids are killed and wounded and the poor brown people are slaughtered.

And, oh yeah, in GW and The Dick’s War(R), it was mainly to boost the price of oil that was around $14/barrel before the Pub war-mongers kept up a decades long war in the ‘Oil basket of the world’ to pump their profits into the TRILLIONS.\

Wow, who da thunk Texas oil barons could make obscene profits with a continuing war in the MidEast?

And, oh yeah, the Pubs.are just inflaming the oldest claim in the world, as the religious fanatics fight to prove, ‘My God is better than your God’ or Christians vs Muslims, as the tinder to keep the fire roaring.

US (Christian) vs Afghanistan (Islam). Just a coincidence? Yeah, right, just like most of the wars in the history of the world….


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