Although the death of 13 US soldiers is tragic, who thought we could leave Afghanistan without several deaths, as the Taliban and others take their last shots? Think what COULD have happened with thousands of soldiers, American and Afghan civilians together in a small target for nearly two weeks?

 Over nearly two weeks and well over 100,000 evacuees, there was one suicide bomber (almost impossible to stop) made it through, and one fusillade of rockets, which did no harm.

The exit ended a day EARLY too, so no last minute attacks could happen.

I know it’s not over yet, but I’d call this a great outcome, considering what could have happened. BUT, the propagandists from FOX and the Pubs, one and the SAME, are making it seem like the casualties are way worse than the MORONS(R) WHO ARE DYING FROM COVID, which are over a hundred, EVERY DAY!

Same old shit from the Pub Propaganda Machine, where some deaths count and some don’t, as they act like the exit from Afghanistan is the WORST since Viet Nam, after only ONE bomb/rocket went off.

Remember the four killed in BENGHAZI? If you believe FOXLies, you’d  think Hillary personally shot and blew up over 100,000, which is at least how many died cuz of Dotard’s COVID lies and incompetence.

OF COURSE Dotard and the FOXCrew/Pubs could have gotten us out of Afghanistan with ZERO PROBLEMS. But they DIDN’T as they kicked the can down the road, and now all they do is BITCH cuz it wasn’t perfect.

Bottom line, the Pubs put us there and supported the war for twenty years and negotiated the withdrawal.

Screw ‘em(R) and the ignorant, gullible sheep who swallow their crap, after Biden got us out of the Pub’s 20-year, $2 trillion war, no matter what the clowns at FOX bitch about.


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