Good! Why should others bear the cost of their ignorance and stupidity?

 The financial cost of remaining unvaccinated ⁠against COVID-19 is rising. Health insurance providers are now asking people who contract the disease to share the cost of treatment, which can get expensive if it requires a lengthy hospital stay.

More than 70% of the nation's largest insurers are no longer waiving COVID-19 treatment costs, according to Kaiser, which surveyed the two largest insurers in each state and Washington, D.C.. Another 10% of plans plan to phase out cost-sharing by the end of October.

Just one more incentive for the gullible, ignorant sheep(R) to get vaccinated, as if saving their lives and those of their loved ones wasn’t sufficient, instead of swallowing the crap from FOX and Facebook.

Actually, FOX, Dotard, McTurtleface and many other Pubs are FINALLY supporting the vaccine. A day late, a dollar short and hundreds thousands of lives too late, but better late than never, for the morons(R) who still aren’t vaccinated.


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