Yup, I’m a ‘health nut’, and if playing once a month helps to live five years longer, I’m gonna live to at least 150.

 Teeing up a longer, healthier life

A Swedish study suggests golfers may live longer than nongolfers -- as much as five extra years. Playing at least once a month may also lower older adult's risk of early death.
    There are several physical and mental health benefits to routinely playing golf, according to Dr. Jacquelyn Turner, an assistant professor at the Morehouse School of Medicine.
    Burning so many calories "gives you a lot of aerobic exercise that can decrease a lot of comorbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol," Dr. Turner says.
    She also points out other benefits of golf including higher HDL levels -- "good" cholesterol -- and stronger core muscles, which are especially important to prevent falls later in life. Being outside in the sun also helps with vitamin D exposure, and there’s a positive social aspect.
    And I thought it was just a good excuse to have fun outdoors and drink beer with friends when the round is over.


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