Global warming is fake news. Anyway, it isn’t man-made. And doing anything about it would destroy the economy. Opponents of action against climate change have always relied on multiple lines of defense: If one argument for doing nothing becomes unsustainable, they just retreat to another.

 That’s what we’re seeing now, as conservatives argue against the Biden administration’s push for climate-friendly public investment. As it happens, this push is taking place against a background of unprecedented heat waves, huge forest fires, severe drought in some places and catastrophic flooding in others — phenomena that scientists have long warned would become more common as the planet gets hotter.

Given these events, Republicans have toned down their climate denial — in some cases pretending that they never denied the science in the first place. Thus Sen. James Inhofe, author of 2012’s “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future,” is now claiming that he never called climate change a hoax.’’ 

This is the jerk(R) who brought a snowball to the Capitol to PROVE global Warming was a hoax.

If past experience is any guide, this new willingness to accept the reality of global warming won’t last; the next time America has a cold snap, the anti-science party will go right back to denying climate change and attacking scientists.

In the meantime, the anti-Van, Climate Change deniers are focusing on the fiasco that THEY started and THEY negotiated the end to, after Dotard ran on a platform of ‘getting the Hell out of Afghanistan’, BUT just passed the problem on to the next guy, like COVID and Climate Change.

And the head up their ass crowd swallows The Big Lie(s) and gets their ‘news’ from the Propaganda Outlet designed just for the gullible, ignorant sheep.()R

Wow, I’m SHOCKED that the FOX crowd can’t wait to get the pussy grabbing/NYC conman/Russian backed Pathological Liar back in the White House so he can incite more insurrections and maybe next time catch and hang those who won’t agree to turn over an election for him.


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