I read a LOT, and just finished an amazing book. Bitter Blood: A True Story of Southern Family Pride, Madness, and Multiple Murder

 Was kind of a slog for a little while during the first third, BUT, then I couldn’t put it down. Don’t remember being so engrossed in a book, for a LONG time.

My thought was, this true story should be made into a book, and or a series. And it was, a while back, called ‘Bitter Blood’.The story of some some good, high end Southern families and what happens when a couple of very intelligent, but crazy people, get together, with revenge on their minds.

Total incompetence by the police and legal system, in the political South (duh), where the family name can overcome justice. Well researched/documented story of families caught up in love/madness/revenge/politics/denial/murder.

Couldn’t put it down, after a certain point, looking at the action, an explanation and hoping for justice. Whoa…..


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