A picture I ran across

got me thinking. Two posts down, I have a pic of a Florida ruling, stating that FOX went to court, to defend it's position (actually a POLICY), that it's not illegal to 'falsify news reports', and they won. Google it, like I did.

FL 13th District New World Communications of Tampa, Inc. versus Jane Akre Case No. 2001-529
Fox went to court and won the right to falsify news reports.
In February 2004, Fox news won a legal appeal that declared the entity has no legal obligation to be truthful in its reporting.
The court agreed that Fox had indeed been untruthful, but ultimately agreed with Fox's argument that the FCC's policy against intentional falsification of the news is not a legal mandate, requirement or regulation and that Fox may falsify news reports.

Too bad we don't have Canadian laws, where FOXNews type lies are ILLEGAL! But, where would the sheep get their talking points each day? The sheep say, 'Big Deal', we know FOX lies, but is nice to prove it occasionally, and rub their faces in it.


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