FOX is bitchin' again, today,

cuz, 'the media' is blaming the GOP for unemployment. Oh Really? Why would they do that? Maybe it's cuz after 8 years of Repub 'leadership' (see chart) we suffered the worst recession and lost the most jobs since the 30's and are still struggling to recover, with the Pubs killing every job creating bill from infrastructure repair to job training. Maybe it's cuz the pubs shut down the gov't, in a tantrum over Affordable Health Care, throwing millions out of work, after the 'Sequester' that cost another million or so jobs. Maybe it's cuz the Pubs are much more concerned with the 1% and their tax breaks, incl Big Oil and Big Ag subsidies for the gazillionaires while continually squeezing out the rapidly disappearing middle class. After a while it becomes OBVIOUS that the best scenario for Pubs being elected is a crashing economy, SO, that's what they work for, and people notice. Duh, why would everyone but FOX report the obvious? Nothing new here....


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