Good article in new 'Rolling Stone' mag,

about Colorado (65% voter approval) and Washington (led by Rick Steves), where pot was legalized, though only Colo has it available to the public. In the rest of the US, there were more pot arrests in 2012 (749.825) than ever, although 58% of the US population thinks it should be legal. Go figure. As always, just follow the money, as most police depts can confiscate money and property after drug related arrests. Of the nearly 3/4 million arrests last year, 97% were for simple possession, but that can get you up to 20 years in many states, where the lawyers and prison systems make Big Bucks. One thing I hadn't realized until I read the artice, and the last sentence, is that cannabis is legal for at least another 3 years, OR, as long as Obama is prez. If we get a Repub as president, (God forbid!), all bets are off, as the Feds could take over again.


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