As always, lately,

(because it IS news, and interesting) the Post had several 'pot related' articles, including one about the $ that the state was already getting in taxes. BUT, the hypocrites at the state were level were taking the cash collected, cuz legal businesses aren't allowed to use credit cards or bank accounts, and depositing in state checking accounts. WHAT? Why is the law different when it gets to a certain level? If it's 'illegal gains' at the storefront level why does the gov't make it 'legal' taxation? Just another example of the hypocrisy and stupidity in gov't. I don't know why I'm still surprised, but c'mon... Other articles included the new state motto, "The mountains and grandpa's pants aren't the only things high in Colorado'. And, having the world's #1 rated concert venue (Red Rocks), and legal pot, might make the music business a good bet in Colorado. Who da thunk?


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