Surprise, the Shiites and Sunis are at it again,

after Bush/Cheney attacked the country (based on lies), wrecked all semblance of order, basic infrastructure, incl water and sewer, wasted trillions of dollars and thousands of lives and making refugees of millions of innocent Iraqi civilians. Twelve years later,we are finally out, at a HUGE cost, after Bush/Cheney assured us Iraq was ready to envelope us in a mushroom cloud. All that 'wasted treasure' for what, other than to enrich W's buddies (Haliburton, General Dynamics, Blackwater etc) who got all the no-bid contracts, to destroy, then rebuild, Iraq. Now Obama and the American people have to deal with the consequences of W's Big Adventure, (Oops, No WMD's), based on lies. Thanks again, George, AND your Repub henchmen, who also took down OUR country.


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