I haven't read, 'The Loudest Voice in the Room',

and don't plan to, but those who have, say it confirms that "the Republican Party is being run out of News Corp. headquarters masquerading as a cable news channel."
Oh really? As I have always said, 'FOXNews/Repub Party, "ONE AND THE SAME'. Like I told my dad, many years ago when I found out that he, like everyone else in Nebr, watched FOX  News. 'That's fine, to see what the Repubs WANT you to believe, BUT, if you want REAL news, go anywhere else.' The last several years we just avoided politics, and he learned not to quote FOX to me, cuz I could always show how/why they were WRONG. Again, nothing new here, as FOX is shown to be a shill for the GOP. The good news? More people are realizing it all the time and the 'core sheep' are old (over 65, on average), rural and uneducated, although they do prove, 'You CAN fool some of the people, ALL of the time'. Thankfully, that number is dwindling....


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