You gonna believe 97% of scientists,

 in 'climatology', or the FOX clowns, who have decided that this latest cold spell PROVES that global warming, (referred to as 'climate change', and agreed upon by 97% of scientists in that field), is 'false'. IF you can read a basic chart, (unlike a sheep), you'd know that ANYTHING, has ups and downs, BUT, you base it on worldwide, year over year, statistics. Nothing new here, as FOX, owned and supported by Big Oil/Big Money, will say whatever Murdoch/Ailes want the sheep to believe. And it WORKS! They couldn't get 97% of the sheep to agree on ANYTHING, other than OBama IS the AntiChrist.... This just in: Jon Stewart noticed the same thing, and his show tonight is showing the FOXNews clowns making total idiots of themselves. Nothing new here, as Donald Trump agrees, (with the 3%) that climate change is a HOAX, and the sheep say, Amen.


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