New book out,

'Loudest Voice in the Room', about Roger Ailes, who teamed with Roger Murdoch and his money to BUY their way into American news. Only about $115,000,000, passed out to cable networks, to have a (LOUD) voice in American politics. Charlie Rose, on CBS News interviewed the author this morning, and they started with a clip of the 'loudest voice' repeating a story he's told many times, when he interviewed Richard Nixon and he also had a boa constrictor and a belly dancer on the same show and he had to keep them apart cuz Nixon would freak. The story was (kinda) interesting, BUT the main reason Ailes tells the story so much is to establish himself a 'longtime' journalist, though it was a small part on an obscure show. It is also very typical of him, as it is blatantly untrue, with just enough facts sprinkled in to make it 'truthy'. The author explained it was easy to 'fact check' him, and those were two totally.different shows, BUT, Ailes has repeated it SO many times, maybe even he believes it. It set the tone for his entire network. Mix some facts with lies, to get your point across and repeat, repeatedly. Should be interesting as more tales of the huckster who hijacked American politics see the light of day. Not that ANYTHING could shake the beliefs of the sheep, who worship at the FOXNews shrine.


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