The FOX strategy, for the last election

as decreed by Ailes was very simple, as outlined in the book. The prez contenders of the Pub party were REALLY weak, (remember Bachmann, Perry, Trump, Cain, Gingrich etc), while it was 'anybody but Romney', SO, Ailes developed a strategy of just going completely negative on Obama, with a nonstop barrage beginning with the 'birther movement', his middle name, 'Chicago Politics', association with a black preacher, and just the fact he was 'different' (black), Benghazi, etc, and it worked. The average FOX listener, constantly bombarded with Ailes handpicked agenda can't stand Obama, and it's easy to see why. Once the decision is made to accept the FOX view of reality, ALL is LOST, when it comes to responsible journalism. Anyone who can look past all that GW did, to wreck our country, and proclaim, Obama as 'worst president ever' has totally lost touch with reality. Nothing new here...


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