FOX is Bitchin' again

cuz the filmaker who made '2016-Obama's America', is being prosecuted for election fraud. What's funny is the FOX article ADMITS he's guity, but whines about 'persecution', after D'Souza's film, whose MAIN charge is that Obama was unduly influenced by his 'anti-colonial' father, although they seperated when he was 2, and they only met once, when Obama was 10. The father died when the prez was in college, BUT, that doesn't stop the sheep from swallowing the swill, cuz that's what they WANT to believe and it fits the FOX rhetoric. The film is FULL of inaccuracies  (check out Fact Check), , and outright lies, but is quoted as fact by the rightwingers who totally overlook what Bush ACTUALLY did to America, but are horrified as to what Obama might do. Nothing new here....


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