New polls on Obama,

reveal just what you'd think. Nice guy, but just a 'so-so' president. Considering what he got to work with, (an economy in total collapse, house values crashing, unemployment skyrocketing and 2 unpaid for wars), he could have been much worse, but, basically has been a disappointment to about everyone, including the FOX crowd who want him to crash and burn, and aren't afraid to take the country down with him. All the predictions/threats/talking points about wrecking the system, rampant inflation and a weak military (What no new wars?) haven't come to pass, as the country gradually claws it's way back from the Bush disaster, although the Pubs fight every program that might help the struggling middle class. If only he hadn't wasted so much time, trying to bring 'bi-partisanship' to a crowd whose heros are double digit IQ Tea Partyers. Oh well, maybe president Hillary can keep us on the right track, as the boneheads will continue to scream about the 'Death of America', after their boy nearly killed us, and we continue to slowly emerge from the hole he left us in....


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