During my morning routine,

 brushing my teeth, shaving etc, I had the TV on in the background, and heard some real BS being spewed. I stopped and listened as someone was talking about how Falujah had fallen and Obama had really screwed up, again, and if  he'd have listened and not sold out, the 'blood spent' wouldn't have been wasted, etc. Thinking it was some kind of sick comedy routine I looked at the screen. Oh yeah, I had been channel surfing and had left it on FOXNews (why?) when I got up, and here were two idiots, agreeing with each other how Obama had screwed up, again, 'letting' Falujah fall. WTF? After W's debacle, based on lies, we finally left Iraq, and NOW, these jerks were revising history and treating it as fact. Just goes to show, the crap they broadcast on FOXNews, as 'reality' when it is just some idiots trying to make the Dems look bad, so the Pubs can get back in power and take over the purse strings. How stupid/ignorant/naive do you have to be to actually agree with that drivel? No question as to why the sheep are so out of touch with reality, having made the decision to rely on FOX, instead of getting 'real' news. FOXNews and the sheep, a combination of funny, sickening and sad....


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