On Carol's b-day, today,

we had a great meal at The Village Tavern, and we had some good conversation, as she explained  that I am am too obsessed (on my blog), with the a**holes at FOXNews. I tried to explain that I 'put it out there' on my blog, so I didn't have to bother her, or my kids and friends, with my political views, (I HATE FOX NEWS, CUZ THEY LIE ALL THE TIME) but, she told me that some people may read my blog (that I don't know about) and think I am obsessed, instead of realizing I do it to keep from being obesessed. Bottom line, am gonna try to just ignore the a**holes at FOX, cuz if they are bothering me, then they are winning, and that's the worst possible outcome. The sheep that actually belive their crap aren't gonna change, just cuz I point out the lies and incosnsistencies of their propaganda, SO, why waste my time jousting with windmills? Thank you Carol for exposing the inconsistencies of my 'crusade'. As she pointed out, the sheep don't know and/or don't care, cuz once you've gone over to the 'dark side', it's OVER, cuz you have decided you only wanna hear ONE (distorted) side and nothing I can do or say is gonna make a difference. My only concern, at this point is how I'm gonna ' blow off steam', cuz my blog has allowed me to keep me from discussing politics with my friends and family. Don't worry. I will survive, AND will enjoy not subjecting myself to the crap that flows from Bullshit Montain. Thank you, I feel better. We'll see how well, and for how long it works out, BUT, I'm not gonna let the BS from the clowns at FOX mess with my sanity. Thank you Carol, for enlightening me to the fact the sheep don't, amd never will 'get it' and it's not worth sacrificing my mental health in an effort at educating them. Anyone who could actually believe that Sarah Palin is presidential material is so far gone that there's NOTHING I can do or say that would penetrate their skull, SO hasta la vista, to the sheep that aren't worth my time and energy....


Anonymous said…
Wow, you married a smart one :-)
Good luck on your new ventures, I always enjoy it when you tell stories on here, you really do have a knack with words
Love ya
Anonymous said…
Who RU trying to kid? You won't be able to stop bitching about Fox. At least I hope not.

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