After nearly 100%

of the 'legitimate' news agencies scoffed at Dick Cheney for his remarks criticizing the current prez, after what he and the former prez did in Iraq, (totally based on lies), and now that over 70% of American admit 'Iraq was a mistake', there's only one place where 'The Dick' can keep spouting his bullshit, and that's on Bullshit Mountain, the Pub Propaganda Network. Yesterday on Hannity's show, where reality is never a consideration, Sean kissed Cheney's ass and they had this insane conversation. I'm sure the sheep lapped it up, but for logical, intelligent viewers it seemed UN-believable, even for the stooges at FOX. See it here;
Also, in their efforts to be 'Fair and Balanced' (Funniest slogan EVER) they sometimes miss good stories/videos, like this one of their anchorman Gregg Jarretts being arrested, cuz there'e just no room with the 1000's of Benghazi stories/


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